Mr. Marston started his career as an Alternative Energy Engineer at the Ministry of Mining and Energy, changed jobs to become a Lead Engineer at PCJ Engineering Limited in 1985, later becoming the Managing Director of Enertech Limited and Conditionedair & Associated Contractors (then owned by the ICD Group) in 1990 and 1993, respectively. Part of his employment deal involved an option to purchase 49% of the company which was exercised a few years later.
A highly qualified engineer and businessman, Mr. Marston boasts the following qualifications and memberships:
BSc (1st class Hons) University of Strathclyde, Scotland (British Council Scholarship)
MS University of Pennsylvania USA
Certificate Owner President Programme 38, Harvard Business School (HBS alumnus)
Various courses at HBS including Driving performance through Talent Management and the Crossroads (2 year) programme
Registered Professional Engineer, Jamaica (P.E.)
Chartered Engineer, U.K. (C.Eng.)
Member, Jamaica Institution of Engineers (M.J.I.E.)
Fellow, Institution of Mech. Engineers, U.K. (F.IMechE)
Member, American Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers (MASHRAE)
He is also a Director of Triple Crown Sports in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Chairman/Executive Director
(876) 656-9200